Upcoming Events and News

Our home is the 7th Ballarat Scout Hall, 26 Orion St Sebastopol.
Heading out of Ballarat down Skipton St towards Sebas. turn left at the traffic lights at ALDI.
Drive as far as you can till Sayle St ends in a T intersection.Turn right.
50 metres on the right is the Scout Hall. Meetings as usual......1930 start, all welcome.Last Wednesday each month,March till October
The Web page is in the process of being re built. Illness, Christmas, People on leave and a raft of other reasons have seen the process stall somewhat.
The work behind the scenes however continues and the new Webpage will be up and running shortly
Anybody who has an event that is firearm or history related, is welcome to advertise on this site free of charge. Send details.
Anybody that can supply more details, or flyers, of events listed, is likewise welcome to submit the information to
BAAMCS via, the Contact Us form upload. Thank you.​